Valley of the Sun Koi Club, Inc.
An Arizona Non-Profit Corporation
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serving the greater phoenix, arizona community
meetings sep - may, third sunday 2:00 pm

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New AKCA - KHA web site!
There is a new forum that non-KHAs can enter and other areas for KHAs only!
This logo is the link
New AKCA KHA web site!

KHA's are volunteers with training in:

  • Pond Design
  • Water Quality
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Filtration
  • Nutrition
  • Health Assesment
By the AKCA. KHAs ARE NOT Veterinarians!
They cannot charge for any advice they may offer.
They CAN NOT administer any medical treatment of your fish as cited
-- they are not veterinarians and cannot perform as such without the appropriate license.

Valley of the Sun Koi Club -- KHAs:

E-mail Contact: Megan Yee VSKC KHA

E-mail Contact: Nikki Pritchard VSKC KHA


Koi Herpes Virus,
(Spring Viremia of Carp
and Carp Pox comparison table)

The link will take you to some e-mail traffic about KHV in AZ


Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM),
(a.k.a. Vets)

Are licensed professionals who treat animals.
The following Vets have or had practices that include Koi and have authorized either cross linking of websites or e-mail contact!

Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital -- Mike Cororan, DVM

E-mail Contact: Mike Corcoran, DVM VSKC KHA Referal

Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital


E-mail Contact: Nick Saint-Erne, DVM VSKC KHA Referal


Below is / are websites with addition Koi Health information and products is the product of Eric Johnson, DVM

The iframe below will have movies created by Dr Johnson
that show microscope slide presentations (with music)
of various organisms that may infect fish! One of the reasons to quarantine transported fish.


Pond RX has numerous items to assist you in the care and treatment of your pond and fish.


Living Jewels has numerous items to assist you in the care and treatment of your pond and fish.

|top| also assists you in the care and treatment of your fish.


Ornamental Fish Enthusiasts Blog has all kinds of information.


If you have questions or comments about this web page please contact webmaster